Wednesday, December 29, 2010

December 27, 2010

I'm so grateful to have talked with you all this Christmas. It was such a blessing to hear your voices and to hear how you are doing. I love each and everyone of you and pray for you each day. The blessing of being a ForeverFamily is so amazing and I love knowing that no matter what happens in this life I wil be able to be with all of you for eternity.

It's great to hear of the fun you had on Christmas and the time you got to spend together. It's great that Kya was able to make it home and spend time with you all. It's cool that Mark was there too and that he translated my testimony. It was cool to talk to him for those few seconds cause it was kind of like a test to see how well my spanish has been coming along. It's hard to tell sometimes because you just speak it as much as you can and pick it up little by little but i know that the Lord is helping me so much in learning spanish.

Let Brother Sparks know that i say hi and tell the ward thank you for all the cards i got. It's great to have support from the home ward. That is so crazy to think that there are Elders there now because for the past few years there have been sisters. Hopefully they will work hard and do the will of the Lord. There is a reason they were sent to our ward/area, help them figure it out.

We have what is called a cocinera that we pay that cooks lunch for us almost every day of the week minus monday and tuesday but we don't really eat dinner because that is prime proselyting time and so we are out working then. The members usually offer us food tho whenever we go over there, usually morecaf (coffee of cereals) and bread.

It's weird to think that 2010 is almost over, but the good thing about it is that we are given the opportunity to evalute our past a little bit and work to improve from where we were at. If wetruly have a desire to be better than we can change and improve thru the help of the Lord. I know that if we all focus on trying to develop the attributes of Christ in our own lives we will be able to see the amazing blessings of the Lord and we will have a desire to be the best we can. The Lord knows what we need and if we try our best to become like Him He will give us the opportunities we need. Always remember to rely on the Lord and He will sustain you.

I'm so grateful to be a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ and to be a modern day strippling warrior fighting for the salvation of others. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that Joseph Smith was called as a prophet in this last dispensation to restore the gospel and church of Jesus Christ.

Elder Turner

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